Thursday, August 4, 2011

Class Work - Difference between three performance of Money (That's what I want)

Money (That’s What I Want): 
  1. The Barrett Strong version: the singer has a deeper voice, so it made it very jazzy.  It was very ironic because of the race, him being African American, and money was what they longed for.  He is the only one singing the song.
  2. The Beatles version: It had more of a younger voice to it, so it made the sound more cleaner and clearer.  It was more catchy, but it didn't really make that much sense because money wasn't what they longed for since they had a lot of it, which could also be ironic.  
  3. The Jerry Lee Lewis version (1969): It was more dirty because he used money to mean sex and drugs, which made it a little wild.  Using the piano gave it a more artistic sound to it, which was very catchy also. 

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